
Farang Bar
Thatapao Rd

Good for Western food. They make good shakes. Expats come here for comfort food, but usually eat elsewhere.

Morning Market
Pracha Uthit Rd to Poramin Manka Rd

Bustling early morning market, also has curry stalls and local prices are usually asked. There are often light trucks outside on Pracha Uthit Rd piled high with seasonal fruits such as pineapple, rambutan, and durian.

Local eateries and restaurants

Left and right of the Farang Bar where coach-loads get dropped in the evening, and on many other streets. Most very good or better.

Night market
Krom Luang Rd
walk straight out from rail station, past the vintage rail locomotives, and cross the intersection

Locals flock here in the evening to show off their pet dogs in the front basket of their motorcycles, to eat, and to collect takeaways. Massive selection of foods to choose from in a compact area. More expensive than the other markets but also more fun. Stalls with seasonal durian whole or ready-to-eat are on the right-hand side furthest from the rail station.

Day and early evening market
Thatapao Rd
from Farang Bar turn right, it's maybe 100 m

Good selection of lunches, fruit, and produce. In the evening the locals come here for a snack and for takeaways. Some local desserts available too, look for the durian pieces in soy milk. Delicious!